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Calibrateur générateur de boucle : source, mesure, simulation 4-20 mA et mesure tension 28V max

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1+ 1386.00 €
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Fluke 705 Calibrateur de boucle

The new Fluke 705 Loop Calibrator is a cost-effective, integrated solution for calibration, repair and maintenance of current loops. It features: mA sourcing, simulation and measurement
0.02% accuracy and 0.001 mA resolution
Simultaneous mA and % of span display
Selectable step or ramp outputs
24 V Loop supply with mA measure
0-28 VDC measurement to check Loop Voltage
Easy battery exchange without opening the case
Compact case with separate protective holster
Three year warranty


Schéma et datasheet



Caractéristiques générales
Poids 350g
RoHS oui
Dimensions 164 x 75 x 47 mm